Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Puppy Style

Happy Monday.  For those of us who live in New England, the weather took a cold, snowy, icy turn over the weekend....burrrr.  Getting up this morning was particularly difficulty, especially because my doggies had no intention of going out into the freezing cold.

My house in the morning resembles a circus and zoo..... Nick leaves really early, which leaves me to deal with the four dogs.  Clarabelle and Chloe are usually pretty good about getting up, this morning when they felt how cold it was outside they bolted away from the door back to their little beds.  So I had to 'escort' both of them outside on their own.  Next, was Lady Grantham who is wired in the morning.  She ran outside at full speed, did her business, and was back on the door stoop in 30 seconds.  When she came back inside she ran 4 or 5 laps around the house to get some of her puppy energy out.  Finally, Molly went outside and stood on the stoop for about a minute before moving - she actually likes the snow, and loves to roll around in it.  Mornings at my house crack me up - anytime the workday gets stressful, I remember how goofy the dogs are in the morning and begin laughing.

Here is a photo of two of my babies bundled up - I hope this keeps you warm on this cold cold day!
Happy Monday. 

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